Bill Review Programs
We at Wyatt Partners believe that substantial and dramatic reductions in Litigation Fees and Costs are possible through a comprehensive, focused, and structured bill review program. It consists of a highly nuanced, customized, and sophisticated review of law firm invoices beyond the basic identification of unreasonable billing practices.
It works alongside and in conjunction with existing bill review software that may not detect many unreasonable billing practices.
Wyatt Partners also has the capacity to apply our bill review program to invoices submitted by non-attorney experts, vendors, and consultants, whose fees/expenses are also subject to the same reasonableness standards as outside counsel.
The review also takes into account important factors such as:
The nature, complexity, and stakes of the litigation (including review of key pleadings, interviews with counsel, etc.); |
Legal precedent; and |
Corporate billing guidelines. |
Wyatt’s bill review process includes monthly bill review reports recommending a percentage of each legal bill to be paid.
The reports also include the following information:
Total Hours spent by the law firm; |
Total Fees generated by the law firm; |
Breakdown of hours and fees by billers; |
General summary of services performed and by whom, including legal research topics, pleadings or documents drafted, discovery activities, and meetings and hearings; |
Summary of unreasonable billing practices; |
Miscellaneous billing issues that arise; and |
An itemization of the proposed reduction in fees. |
The benefits of implementing a bill review program will be substantial, and include significant time and expense savings to your corporate law department.
Based on the substance of Wyatt Partners’ bill review as well as a flexible pricing plan depending on the quantum/nature of your bill review, you will find, at minimum:
An immediate reduction of your monthly legal bills; |
An overall reduction of your legal bills on a long-term, aggregate basis; |
The identification of unreasonable billing practices and expenses not detected by existing bill review software; and |
Substantive improvement of billing narratives and more cost-effective representation provided by outside counsel. |